Saturday, February 6, 2010

Shota Boy Torrent Who Is On The Gravitation Collection Book 3 Cover?

Who is on the gravitation collection book 3 cover? - shota boy torrent

I bought the book Gravitation series of three (with volumes of 5 a.m. to 6 p.m.) in the library today and I was fascinated by the cover. There are two characters. I think it can Fujisaki (my hair green), but I'm not sure that the other person is. Maybe he has too long since I read gravitation, because "Fujisaki" Fujisaki not and looks like a girl, my mother (to confuse) with a chicken. In addition, the other is groping his (?) Not thigh and know whether Fujisaki. You can use a picture of the cover can be found here:

Seriously, I'm not sure what to with new bridges. The last book I Shuichi looked like a Lolita Total (for not enjoying a girly boy Shota) on the cover! Please help me solve this mystery!


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