Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Neck Lumps Why Are There Small Lumps Around My Neck?

Why are there small lumps around my neck? - neck lumps

Last year I went to my doctor about a tumor on the right side of my neck to ask. This was not a big package and say it is probably a lymph node and back if you are the greatest. The mass is still there, but only the largest in the last few days I have noticed that most, only small pieces as a larger size such as peas. You are very much on my neck near the bottom left of the neck, I believe that if they are several, there are a few just below the jaw, they seem to be larger but are still larger than the size of large peas. It hurts to the touch, but when touched, moved slightly, as if something is moving under my skin. What is it? I am 16 years old.


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